Community Partners

Posted on: November 24th, 2015 by Susan

Vocational Training

Posted on: October 25th, 2015 by Susan


Posted on: October 10th, 2015 by Susan No Comments

The Stevens County DAC has several programs that are non-vocational in nature. These programs are designed to help clients with areas of life that are not related to occupational programs or training.


Some clients need assistance with everyday activities of living. One example is hand-washing and skin care, such as lotion application.

Most of these activities are performed as a part of the Non-Vocational programs.

Most of these activities are performed as a part of the Non-Vocational programs.

Sometimes for various reasons, clients are temporarily unable to physically perform their usual jobs. The Non-vocational Center provides opportunities to adapt work to the client's needs.

Sometimes for various reasons, clients are temporarily unable to physically perform their usual jobs. The Non-Vocational Center provides opportunities to adapt work to the client’s needs.

Some of our clients have interests that are non-vocational. A common example is baking. Our Non-vocational center has a kitchen that is separate from the main kitchen where client meals are prepared. This gives an opportunity to demonstrate baking (and cleaning up) with clients who are interested in these things.

Some of our clients have interests that are non-vocational. A common example is baking. Our Non-vocational center has a kitchen in addition to the commercial kitchen where client meals are prepared. This gives an opportunity to demonstrate baking (and cleaning up) with clients who are interested in these things.


Posted on: October 1st, 2015 by Susan No Comments

Our personal fitness program incorporates the services of the University of Minnesota, Morris.  Twice a day, staff member Susan Jost, transports clients from the DAC to the Regional Fitness Center (RFC).  Susan helps clients create and maintain fitness goals.  Because many of our clients are also members of
The Arc Stevens County, they are eligible to receive free memberships at the RFC as a part of the Arc Stevens County’s separate services.

Hot Lunch

Posted on: September 30th, 2015 by Susan No Comments

Our hot lunch program provides a healthy meal, prepared according to individual client dietary needs. We serve meals for clients with chewing problems, choking issues, diabetes, food allergies, and cholesterol concerns.

Our cook is a Professional Food Manager, certified by the State of Minnesota Department of Health, who prepares hot lunches daily in our commercial kitchen, which is licensed by the State of Minnesota Department of Health.

The hot lunch program also provides work opportunities for those interested in food service. Several of our clients enjoy learning to work in a food service environment at our facility.


Posted on: September 25th, 2015 by Susan No Comments

The Stevens County DAC has a full-time nurse on staff providing a wide variety of monitoring and administering services on a daily basis to clients who need them.
Medical services are coordinated with the client’s residential facilities as well as individual healthcare providers.

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